Company Name
Registered Office
Regatta Office Park
PO Box 1350
Grand Cayman
Cayman Islands
Headquarters and Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong
200 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong
Phone Number
Email Address
Company website
Financial Year End
Board of Directors
Executive Directors
Dr. XU Zhihong (徐志宏)
Mr. LU Kailan (呂鎧麟)
(Deputy Chief Executive Officer)
Mr. ZHAO Yi Wen (趙奕文)
Mr. LI Yang (李陽)
Mr. LEUNG Kin Pang (梁健鵬)
Independent Non-executive Directors
Mr. ZOU Haiyan (鄒海燕)
Mr. SIU Miu Man, MH (蕭妙文)
Ms. LIU Wanwen (劉皖文)
Audit Committee
Mr. ZOU Haiyan (鄒海燕)
Mr. SIU Miu Man, MH (蕭妙文)
Ms. LIU Wanwen (劉皖文)
Nomination Committee
Dr. XU Zhihong (徐志宏)
Mr. ZOU Haiyan (鄒海燕)
Mr. SIU Miu Man, MH (蕭妙文)
Remuneration Committee
Mr. ZOU Haiyan (鄒海燕)
Dr. XU Zhihong (徐志宏)
Mr. SIU Miu Man, MH (蕭妙文)
Company Secretary
Authorized Representatives
Principal Banker
Bank of China, Zhuhai Xiangzhou Sub-branch
1st Floor, Anping Building
274 Cuixiang Road
Xiangzhou, Zhuhai, PRC
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Zhuhai Gongbei Sub-branch
ICBC Tower
36 Guihuanan Road
Gongbei, Zhuhai, PRC
Auditor and Reporting Accountant
BDO Limited, Certified Public Accountants
25th Floor, Wing On Centre
111 Connaught Road
Central, Hong Kong
Legal Advisor
Lau, Horton & Wise LLP
8th Floor, Nexxus Building,
41 Connaught Road Central,
Central, Hong Kong
Compliance Adviser
Lego Corporate Finance Limited
Room 1601, 16th Floor, China Building
29 Queen’s Road Central
Central, Hong Kong
Cayman Islands Principal Share Registrar and Transfer Office
Ocorian Trust (Cayman) Limited
Windward 3
Regatta Office Park
PO Box 1350
Grand Cayman
Cayman Islands
Hong Kong Branch Share Registrar and Transfer Office
Boardroom Share Registrars (HK) Limited
Room 2103B, 21/F
148 Electric Road
North Point, Hong Kong
Stock Code